Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ice hotel theme decor

chinees arch

chinees arch with backlit

T.V game show

T.V game show

T.V game show

college culturals -quiz table set-up

college cultural-fashion show

chinees theme decor

Sun T.V arattai arangam 

Pattu-mandram set

With famous comp-Mr.Abdul hameed

road show set

with comp-archana
 set rear view

set of table

with location

a film set interior

set exterior

game show set decor
game show set decor

game show set decor

game show set decor

kids talent show

college culturals

college culturals 1

college culturals  set decor

college culturals  set decor red lighting

college culturals  set decor green lighting

game show set decor

game show set decor

village theme  set decor

vivatha medai set decor
game show set decor

talk show set decor

                                                          word game show back drop
                                                              game show set decor
collage annual day set decor
trade fair stall decor 

diwali in-store decor
                                                             new year eve decor